Friday, July 15, 2011

Today’s Ponder 07/15/2011

Instruction by example can only remain justifiable for a short amount of time when it is ignored, before it becomes simply, ‘Pissing Up A Rope’.

Without an implied value, gold is simply a rock.
Living without making the effort to become more, is simply glorified food processing.

A stray thought caused me to ponder an occurrence that I have simply accepted as a fact, since I first learned of it.

The occurrence is, that nipples become erect when the breast chills to a certain temperature, or at least in relation to the bodies core temperature.

It suddenly struck me, that there could be some adaptation of evolution that caused this to happen … What then was the cause?

I tried looking for clues on the net and in what books I have, that aren’t temporarily packed away for moving. No luck from either, so I started thinking; What if the erect nipple is a trigger that stimulates the babies feeding impulse.

This could also explain part of the odd subconscious trigger that affects many adults of both sexes, when surprised with an erect nipple.

Anyway .. I wondered why nature might increase the survival of a human infant, by eliciting a response to an erect nipple, on a chilled breast.

It came to me that a single, or some combination of criteria, might benefit the infant from chilled breast milk. It is now general knowledge that human breast milk carries a plethora of beneficial bacterial flora and anti-bodies to the infant, and everything in nature has an optimum temperature, so I thought that perhaps the immune elements of breast milk, might flourish most profusely at a few degrees lower than the bodies core temperature.

I also wondered, that even with the infants stomachs less acidic environment, if a cooler milks bacterial flora would have a better chance to survive to the intestine?
So, if I assume any of this, or a related thing that I haven’t yet considered is true, then it would absolutely prove that a chill makes a nipple become erect, for the simple purpose of causing an infant to feed while the milk is at its healthiest temperature.
Which actually makes a hellofalotta sense!
It also then occurred to me, that if this were indeed true, all those tongue in cheek comparisons to that thing that pops out when a turkey is ready .. were actually fairly accurate.


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